RFID_Kasa Kuyruklarına Son

Friday, October 28, 2011

ShelfX announced the debut of its self-checkout and inventory management solution. Using the combination of RFID and NFC technology, the self-titled ShelfX system enables retailers improved inventory management, real-time pricing updates and enhanced customer loyalty.

When a shopper approaches the ShelfX Smart Shelf with an RFID-enabled ShelfX Card the ShelfX system greets them by name, offers discounts and makes additional suggestions based on their customer profile. It then processes their payment and, on the back-end, the inventory is automatically updated.

Retailers no longer have to send inventory personnel through aisles to check stock levels. The ShelfX Smart Shelf tracks stock and knows the exact item and quantity of the item being stocked. The real-time solution also broadcasts an alert if items are running low and require re-stocking.

Similarly, since shopper checkout is processed automatically, retailers are able to optimize staffing levels and avoid the time-consuming practice of scanning bar codes and manually entering SKUs. [end]


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